I don't play games on pc laptop computer anything..Mine... GTA Vice City
Counter strikeMine... GTA Vice City
The Halo Mcc (for pc) and Assassin's creed, Mad maxMine... GTA Vice City
GTA V and MinecraftMine... GTA Vice City
Whatttt!!! That’s a lotGames teach us many things if are smart enough to learn from them... Games are escape from reality... These are the few PC games that I have played(few may not find this interesting and only a true gamer know the depth, emotions and lessons in these games)
- GTA Vice city
- GTA San Andreas
- Assassin's Creed II
- Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Only for Ezio)
- Assassin's Creed Origins (Nothing is true. Everything is permitted. Start of the game series. Best game in Ancient Egyptian theme)
- Assassin's Creed Black Flag (Nothing is true. Everything is permitted. For best Story in Pirates version)
- Assassin's Creed Odyssey (Nothing is true. Everything is permitted. A game with touch of Ancient Greece Pantheon)
- Assassin's Creed Valhalla (Nothing is true. Everything is permitted. A game with touch of Ancient Norse Pantheon in Viking age)
- Minecraft
- The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (not gonna say much about this)
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Amazing game, the story was perfect and my username is inspired from this)
- Doom Eternal (Shooting game with best story and end)
- Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Played only for Ghost)
- Elden Ring (Souls game, very hard as fuck to beat enemies)
- Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Souls game, Boring as Fuck)
- Among Us
- Rise of Tomb Raider (Adventure)
- Spiderman Miles Morales (Best Spiderman Game)
- God Of War series ( In Greek pantheon)
- God Of War 2018 (A fresh start for God Of War with adventures after killing whole Greek Pantheon)
- God Of War Ragnarök (Survival continues in Norse Pantheon including Valhalla which teach us many things)
- Red Dead Redemption 2 (You'll get into depression by the end of this game)
- Batman Arkham Knight (World's best detective)
- Tekken (Smash Smash Smash the keyboard)
- PUBG (Different experience in PC)
- Ghost of Tsushima (The story, visuals and music got me tears)
- The Genesis Order (PS: This is pure adult game, contains nudity)
- WWE (again Smash Smash Smash)
- Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves (Sic Parvis Magna: Greatness from Small Beginnings and Best Graphics and Gameplay)
- Need For Speed (Racing always)
- Sekiro: Shadows die twice
- Prince Of Persia(How can I forget this... The very first action adventure game that I ever played)
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