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Recent content by Hades

  1. Hades

    Table Top Gaming Miniatures

    needed an excuse to use pink. Sooo I give you a female Paladin.
  2. Hades

    Jus another query

    the issue is perhaps you remaining idle. Either your pc or mobile goes into sleep mode if you're not doing anything for a certain amount of time.
  3. Hades

    Table Top Gaming Miniatures

    Since I wasn't done for the night, an Elf.
  4. Hades

    Table Top Gaming Miniatures

    the barbarians are at the gate.
  5. Hades

    Table Top Gaming Miniatures

    and now for the zombies.
  6. Hades

    Table Top Gaming Miniatures

    time to change it up and add some mummies
  7. Hades

    What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

    I have 4. And they have become Danes Rules of Life. 1. never jump out of a perfectly good airplane. (no parachuting) 2. never get into a boat that intentionally sinks. (no submarines) 3. never play cards with a guy named Ace. (could have an ace up his sleeve) 4. never fuck with another mans...
  8. Hades

    Am banned due to underage

    you sure you have the right ID? that name doesn't show up in either the old platform nor in the Beta chat.
  9. Hades

    Senior trophy

    happy now?:think1:
  10. Hades

    Video Call scam

    its sad that this even needs to be posted. The older I get, the less "common" common sense has become. :facepalm: Its a good reminder though to those in the chat to remember this and NOT fall for it.
  11. Hades


    how to make a woman fall in love with you. 1. love her 2. go to the ends of the earth and back for her 3. listen to her 4. cook for her 5. clean for her 6. read to her 7. watch romantic movies with her 8. go shopping with her 9. hold the door open for her 10. let her take charge. 11. compliment...
  12. Hades

    Senior trophy

    you never told anybody. :facepalm: sure you got the badge, but you have to let me know so that I can add the banner to your name. just like when you get Pro, you get the badge automaticly, but I still have to add it to your profile.
  13. Hades

    Table Top Gaming Miniatures

    and now for the final giant, The powerful yet graceful Cloud giant.
  14. Hades

    I am back

    exactly, and we'll see how long you STAY back this time. :Devil: